Content marketers enjoy debating amongst themselves about how the content world will change and which trends will shape the industry’s future (as well as which fads are going to die out). Even in this opinionated crowd, it’s relatively uncontroversial to name authenticity as one of the most important factors for success in content creation in the future.
If you want to run a successful content campaign in 2022 and beyond, you must first understand the value of authenticity – and how to incorporate it into your campaign.
A Review of the Issue of Content Oversaturation
Content marketing has been a viable and potentially valuable strategy for individuals and businesses of all sizes since its inception. Providing detailed, useful content to your audience is a quick way to earn trust, a better reputation, and, ultimately, more sales and loyal customers.
Content marketing was novel and exciting back then. In the mid-2000s, if you wrote something decently interesting with enough depth and detail, you could expect an audience to find it useful. Even by optimistic standards, the content market is oversaturated these days.
There are more blog posts, videos, podcasts, and other forms of content than ever before, thanks in part to the fact that anyone can create it and in part to the growing interest in content marketing. Users are bombarded with more content on the internet than they could consume in a hundred lifetimes, no matter which way you look at it.
This creates a slew of issues for content creators.
- Issues with visibility and direct competition When customers search for a topic and discover 10,000 videos on the subject, why would they choose to watch yours over anyone else’s? With so much direct competition, it’s nearly impossible to stand out. Even if your content is fantastic, it may never be thoroughly explored by audiences who have other options.
- Limitations of novelty. Almost everything has been completed by this point. It’s difficult to do something truly novel in an oversaturated market. When new platforms emerge, there is usually a rush of businesses attempting to expand their customer bases there – it’s only a matter of time before the new platforms become oversaturated as well.
- Trust is eroding. Being inauthentic can make people less trusting – or make them feel alienated from the brand, reducing the effectiveness of your content significantly.
Why Is Authenticity Important?
What is the significance of authenticity? How will it help you break into this oversaturated market?
- Differentiation. When you first started your business, you probably came up with a list of differentiating factors – the distinguishing characteristics that set your company apart from your competitors. You knew that if you wanted to stand out and appeal to a different market segment, you needed to do something different than your competitors. For example, you may have provided better customer service or lower prices than a competitor. In the world of content, differentiation is also important; if you’re just saying the same things everyone else is saying or using the same formats they’re already using, you’re not going to get anywhere. Being genuine in an inauthentic market may be just what you need to stand out.
- Bonding and trust. Authenticity also fosters greater trust in your audience. People can usually tell whether you’re faking your personality or being sincere in your approach. People will notice if you adopt a polished, professional, and stuffy demeanor but don’t feel it internally. They may not be able to pinpoint it, but they will not feel close to you and will not be able to trust you. On the other hand, if you’re completely genuine and sincere in what you’re saying, they might come to trust you implicitly.
- Loyalty and relatability. Being true to yourself makes you more relatable and likeable. If you have a personality type that is incompatible with your readers or viewers, you may alienate a portion of them, but those who stick with you will always appreciate your sincerity. This increases audience loyalty and increases your chances of growing your audience over time.
Content Marketing: How to Be More Authentic
What steps can you take to improve the authenticity of your content marketing?
That’s a tricky question because attempting to be authentic too hard may result in appearing inauthentic. However, the following pointers may be useful:
- Be true to yourself. Don’t give it too much thought. Simply be yourself, even if you’re not sure if your personality or interests are a good fit for this niche. Perhaps you have an abrasive personality and are afraid of appearing vulnerable; that’s fine, but you can take comfort in knowing that authenticity is enough for many people. Allow your personality to shine through in the content you write or create.
- Incorporate more humour. Humor is a defining characteristic of sincerity and relatability. People will naturally find you more approachable and, for lack of a better word, more “human” if you incorporate more humor into your content. That doesn’t mean you should look up funny jokes ahead of time and read them on screen; for humor to be effective, it must come naturally. Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself to be a naturally funny person – this isn’t required. However, it can assist you in loosening up and establishing a better connection with your audience.
- Allow for more flaws and imperfections. Don’t over-polishing yourself. Many video creators spend an excruciating amount of time before going on camera applying makeup, perfecting their hair, and smoothing out every possible detail about their appearance. This can actually have a negative impact on your authentic appearance. Having a few hairs out of place or stumbling over a word or two can make you appear more genuine and thus more relatable.
- Lean into the controversies. Lean into controversy whenever possible. Some content marketers avoid controversies entirely, preferring to focus on topics on which everyone can agree. However, this makes you appear unauthentic and overly generic. Instead, it is frequently preferable to risk alienating a small percentage of your readership in order to take a strong, opinionated stance. This, of course, isn’t always possible. If you’re writing on behalf of a charitable organization, for example, you may be limited in what you can and cannot say. When possible, use your best judgment and express your strong opinions.
- Maintain a relaxed tone. Even if your brand’s power stems from its authority or prestige, you should strive to be more casual in your content. Conversational tones, relaxed personalities, and, to a lesser extent, improvisation all register as more authentic than the alternatives.
- Cliches and formulas should be avoided. It’s a good idea to research the competition and emulate some of the strategies that helped them succeed. However, it is easy to take this too far; avoid cliches and formulas if you want to be seen as original and authentic.
- When it comes to CTAs, don’t be too sneaky or salesy. Calls to action (CTAs) are important if you want to increase sales and make your content efforts worthwhile – but don’t push them too hard if you want to be perceived as authentic. Inserting CTAs where they don’t belong or being overly salesy with them can backfire.
- Recruit additional voices. You don’t have to be completely genuine on your own. In fact, it’s preferable if you find some other voices for your blog and other content distribution channels. Get a lot of guest bloggers on your blog, and don’t forget to host interviews with other experts on topics related to your brand.
Authenticity is difficult to replicate. It’s also difficult to imitate. It’s not difficult to include more authenticity in your content if you’re willing to be yourself, or at least work with people who are. With more authenticity in your content, you’ll have a much better chance of standing out and achieving your long-term business objectives.
Learn more from marketing and read What is Content Marketing?